Permanently delete resources - $erase and $purge


The features described on this page are available in the following Firely Server editions:

  • Firely Scale - 🌍 / πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  • Firely CMS Compliance - πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


When Firely Server receives a DELETE request for a resource, it marks it as deleted in the database which makes it hidden from search results. However, the data is still present in the database. This approach is known as soft deletion. This comes in handy in scenarios when you want to recover accidentally deleted data. However, there are also scenarios when you actually want the data to be erased from the database. For that purpose, Firely Server provides the $erase operation.

The $erase operation permanently deletes a single resource or one or more historical revisions of a resource from the database. It can be executed on a resource instance level and a resource version level.

The $purge operation permanently deletes all resources within a patient compartment. The operation can be executed at a Patient instance level.


Not all repositories support both operations. Refer to Feature Availability per Database for more details. Neither operation is supported on the Memory repository.


Use the following request to erase all versions (including the historical versions) of the Patient/example resource from the database.

POST <base-url>/Patient/example/$erase

Use the following request to erase the specified version xyz and all the older versions (based on meta.lastUpdated) of the Patient/example resource from the database.

POST <base-url>/Observation/example/_history/xyz/$erase

Use the following request to erase resources within the patient compartment of the Patient with id β€˜example’. Note that AuditEvent and Provenance resources won’t get erased by default. Additionally, resources that have been soft deleted before are not being purged. See the configuration details in the Appsettings section, more specifically the ExcludeFromPatientPurge option, on how to exclude more resources from being purged.

POST <base-url>/Patient/example/$purge


To enable the $erase operation you will first have to make sure the plugin Vonk.Plugin.EraseOperation.EraseOperationConfiguration is added to the PipelineOptions in the appsettings.

"PipelineOptions": {
   "PluginDirectory": "./plugins",
   "Branches": [
       "Path": "/",
       "Include": [
       "Exclude": [
     }, ...etc...

To enable the $purge operation you will first have to make sure the plugin Vonk.Plugin.EraseOperation.PurgeOperationConfiguration is added to the PipelineOptions in the appsettings.

"PipelineOptions": {
   "PluginDirectory": "./plugins",
   "Branches": [
       "Path": "/",
       "Include": [
       "Exclude": [
     }, ...etc...
 "EraseOperation": {
     "ExcludeFromPatientPurge": [ ] // AuditEvents and Provenances will never be deleted

Since the pipeline inclusion matches on namespace prefixes, you can include both plugins by listing Vonk.Plugin.EraseOperation.

Use ExcludeFromPatientPurge to list resource types that are included in the Patient compartment but should not get deleted on patient $purge operation. By default, it contains only AuditEvent and Provenance.

Many resources in the Patient compartment reference resources outside the compartment. For example, a DeviceRequest might reference a Device. As Device itself is not in the Patient compartment, the Device resource will not be erased upon $purge.

AuditEvent & Provenance resources

  • It is not allowed to erase AuditEvents using $erase

  • It is not allowed to permanently delete AuditEvent and Provenance resources using $purge

  • AuditEvents that are created for the $erase and $purge operations will contain the list of deleted items


When SMART on FHIR is enabled on Firely Server, you need the following custom scopes when requesting an access token to be allowed to use the $erase and $purge operations:

  • Scope for $erase

  • Scope for $purge


When the above custom scopes are used, the other SMART on FHIR scopes will be ignored by Firely Server. Due to this limitation, scopes for $erase and $purge should only be granted to admin users.


The $erase and $purge operations are part of the core Firely Server functionality. However, to use it, you may need to request an updated license from Firely. You can use your current license file if it contains

Note on erase and purge on SQL Server

When using the SQL Server repository, deletions are not processed immediately. Instead, they are marked as deleted and are processed in the background. This is done to prevent blocking the database for other operations. This means that the data is not immediately erased from the database. The actual deletion will be done in the background. The background process is nominally triggered every 20 seconds. But the time it takes to process the deletion depends on the number of resources that are being deleted and how busy the server is with other tasks.